Thursday, 6 December 2012

English week 5 (6 and 7 December)


1. Writing e-mail (in class)

2. Unit 6, 7 & 8 (in class)

3. Past/Present (self study)

4. Test next week (self study)


1. Writing e-mail (go through pages together, excercises individually)

p.52  Making contact: 2, 3, 4, 5
p.53  Hotel booking: 1, 2, 3, 4
p.58  Inviting: 1, 2, 3, 4
p.61  Enquiries: 1, 2, 3
p.63  Complaining 2 & 3

2. Unit 6, 7 & 8 (What to do from the book & explanation Grammar)

Unit 6: p.35 Language Spot, p.36 reading, p.38 reading, p.39 writing

Unit 7: p.40 listening, p.41 reading, p.42 language spot & 9 to 5, p.45 writing

Unit 8: p.47 Language Spot (see below)

Comparatives and Superlatives

Short words:

Small >> Smaller  >> Smallest  (+es +est standard form)

Big     >> Bigger   >> Biggest    (+ger +gest double consonant)

Easy   >> Easier   >> Easiest      (+ier + iest -y becomes -ie)

Longer words:

Exciting      >> more exciting      >> most exciting     (more > less, most > least)

refreshing  >> more refreshing   >> most refreshing  (more > less, most > least)


good & bad?

3. Excercise Past/Present (to practise for your test!!)

a) Wij vieren dit jaar geen Sinterklaas.

b) Op dit moment hebben we Engels.

c) Vorig jaar ging ik naar Frankrijk met Kerst.

d) We hebben elkaar al lang niet gezien

e) Bestaat Sinterklaas?

f) Ik ben een taart aan het bakken.

g) Gisteren sneeuwe het.

4. Test next week (What you need to study)

- Vocabulary: Unit 5, 6, 7, 8 (groene stukjes 'key words)

- Past/Present: exercise above and notes on blog

- must / have to / should (language spot unit 6 & 7)

- comparatives and superlatives (language spot unit 8)

- e-mail (complaint, invitation, appointment, booking)

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Planning December

Planning next 3 weeks

6-12-2012 >> Overview Units book, writing bank

13-12-2012 >> Test English*

20-12/21-12 >> X mas Class


Then…. Holidays!! :)


*What to study for the test?

> Vocabulary from Unit 5, 6, 7, 8 (groene stukjes boek, eind van elke Unit)

> Recap last test (herhaling Present en Past > oefening op 13-12-2012)

> Language Spot Unit 6, 7, 8 (see blog)

> Lay-out & content e-mail (see "Writing Bank" P.52, 58, 61, 63 in your book)


After the Holidays: PRESENTATION ENGLISH & IT  

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Unit 6 Cultural Awareness

Notes and extra activities for Unit 6 (p 34 - 39)

Start up: What is cultural awareness?
How cross cultural are you? (quiz p 34)

Language Spot (p 35)

+ Must
>> regels (you must be on time)
>> bevel/voornemen in de toekomst (we must get some cake for the party)
>> aanbeveling (you must try this chocolate cake!)

- Mustn't (must not, spreekt uit: mussent)
>> als je iets per se NIET moet doen (you musn't tell him about the car)

+ Have to  (is anders dan have/have got)
>> bevelen/vragen van anderen (I have to help her every week)

- Don't have to
>> dingen die je niet hoeft te doen (you don't have call me every day)

Do exercise 1 & 2 (ex.2 = 5 school rules)

class room rules?

Additional Worksheets:

1. Quiz Business etiquettes
Quiz to make together and check the answers (10 -15 min)

2. In Company - Cultural differences
B1 - B2 Level activity - lot's of good vocab

3. In Company - Business behaviour
B1 - What and what NOT to do in business (discussion & vocab)

4. Info chart - Religions
Research activity about a chosen religion (20 min)

Reading (p 36) 1, 2, 3
It's my job (p 37) 1, 2

Thursday, 8 November 2012

English Presentations

Opdracht 1: Find your best examples

Ga naar en ga op zoek naar (korte) filmpjes over presentatietechnieken in het Engels. (10 minuten)


Klassikale bespreking en noteren tips en tops. (10 minuten)

 Doelen: luistervaardigheid, tips en tops, voorbeelden, ideeën opdoen


Opdracht 2: Basic Phrases and Skills

 A: Lees de volgende zinnen door. Schrijf in ongeveer zinnen iets over jezelf in het Engels. De docent zal een aantal zinnen doornemen. (10 minuten)

B: Maak samen met je groepje een Engels weerbericht voor een stad/land naar keuze. Zorg ervoor dat het origineel is (edgy). Het hoeft niet realistisch te zijn! (10min)

Doelen: Samenwerken, out-of-the-box denken, Engels toepassen, zinnen formuleren

Questions you can ask

What do you like doing?
What sort of hobbies do you have?
What do you get up to in your free time?


How to reply

In my free time I…
When I have some spare time I…
When I get the time, I…
I relax by (watching TV)

I'm interested in (+ noun / gerund)
I'm keen on (+ noun / gerund)
I'm into (+ noun / gerund)
I enjoy (+ noun / gerund)

You can add "really" or "quite" after "I'm…" for emphasis.
really keen on football."


Giving a longer reply

You can give more information about your hobbies and interests:

I like arts and crafts. I'm a creative / practical person, and like doing things with my hands.

I'm an outgoing person, and like socialising / hanging out with friends

I enjoy being physically active, and spend a lot of time playing sports and team games.


How to tell your story

First of all, your story should be quite short. Try to keep it grammatically simple as well, so that it is easy to follow.

Make it easy for the listener to understand by using sequencing and linking words:


Sequencing words
These words show the chronological sequence of events.

First of all, I (packed my suitcase)
Secondly, I …. (made sure I had all my documents)
Previously (before that) ….. I changed some money.
Then… I (called a taxi for the airport)
Later (on)… (when we were stuck in traffic, I realised…)
But before al that… (I had double checked my reservation)
Finally… (I arrived at the wrong check-in desk at the wrong airport for a flight that didn't go until the next day)


Linking words
Use these words to link your ideas for the listener. They can be used to show reason, result, contrasting information, additional information, and to summarise.

I booked a flight because….
As a result, I was late…
Although I had a reservation, I hadn't checked the airport name.
I made sure I had an up-to-date passport and I also took along my driving licence.
In short, I had made a complete mess of the holiday.


Giving your opinion neutrally

"I think…"

"I feel that…"

"In my opinion…"

"As far as I'm concerned…"

"As I see it…"

"In my view…"

"I tend to think that…"


Giving a strong opinion

"I'm absolutely convinced that…"

"I'm sure that…"

"I strongly believe that…"

"I have no doubt that…"


English expressions for asking someone's opinion

"What do you think?"

"What's your view?"

"How do you see the situation?"


Some examples of conversation starters in English

"Lovely day, isn't it!"

"Bit nippy today."

"What strange weather we're having!"

"It doesn't look like it's going to stop raining today."


Predicting the weather

We can make predictions about the weather, using a range of forms – not just the "will" or "going to" form:

"I think it'll clear up later."

"It's going to rain by the looks of it."

"We're in for frost tonight."

"They're expecting snow in the north."

"I hear that showers are coming our way."

 Understanding the forecast

a hard frost
prolonged rain
blustery wind
a drought
mild weather
sunny spells
light drizzle

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Enquete Onderzoek

Beste student,

Voor mijn Master Leren en Innoveren ben ik bezig met een onderzoek.

Als onderdeel van het onderzoek verzamel ik gegevens via een enquete.
Hiervoor heb ik je hulp nodig.

Als de enquete opent (via de link hieronder), zie je eerst een stukje uitleg.
De stellingen die daarna volgen hebben betrekking op de vakken Nederlands, ICT en Engels.

Kijk steeds goed bovenaan de pagina om welk vak het gaat.

Vul de enquete individueel en naar waarheid in.

Alvast bedankt voor je hulp :)

>> klik hier om de enquete te openen!!

Kind regards,
Didi Rikken

Monday, 1 October 2012

01/10/2012 These two weeks.. (2 - 12 Oct 2012)

Hi students!

What is the planning until our autumn break???

- Listening exercises (hand-out in Word) B1 level
- Explanation Present Perfect
- example task for the test next week
- Start with Unit 4 of Commerce 1 p.22 - 24

- Listening Exercises B1 level finish
- Finish Unit 4 Commerce 1 P.25 - 27
- Test Grammar & Vocab Unit 1, 2 & 3*

* What do I have to study? --> pages 116 & 117 in your commerce book and the blog
Present Simple                (I go to school every Thursday)
Present Continuous         ( I am walking to school right now)
Past Simple                     ( I went to the cinema last week)
Present Perfect                (I have lived in Nijmegen for 3 years)
Vocabulary on the blog    (click here)

* When's this test?
   1G: Thursday afternoon 11-10-2012  16:00H
   1H: Tuesday morning 09-10-2012 09:15H
   1J:  Thursday afternoon 11-10-2012 12:30H

RESIT (herkansing)
1G: Thursday afternoon 25-10-2012 16:40H
1H: Thursday afternoon 25-10-2012 15:10H
1J:   Friday afternoon 26-10-2012 16:30H

Friday, 21 September 2012

24/09/2012 Commerce Unit 3 - Notes Week 25 - 28 September

Commerce 1, Unit 3 Travel


Past Simple / Verleden tijd

Examples (the words in bold indicate the past):

> Did you book those tickets last month? 
< Yes, and so I went to the airport yesterday.

> So actually your flight was yesterday. Then why are you here?
< Well, the planes didn't depart last night because of the storm.

> Then what did you do?
< We got our money back. And I'm flying tonight, so I've got to go.

> Ok. Have a nice trip then!
< Thanks. See you!


Vorm: 1 werkwoord
            Regelmatige werkwoorden = +ed  (watch - watched, call - called)
            Onregelmatige werkwoorden (go - went - gone, see - saw - seen)

Let op: Bij vragen en ontkenningen soms 2 werkwoorden namelijk did of didn't + werkwoord in de basisvorm (didn't go, did you see?)

Tijdsaanduiding: Last year, last week, yesterday, a month ago

Gebruik: Iets vond in het verleden plaats en is inmiddels afgerond

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *


1.Write positive sentences in simple past.

  1. he / the question / answer 
  2. you / a question / ask 
  3. the dog / bark 
  4. they / us / call 
  5. we / a mountain / climb 
  6. John / stamps / collect 
  7. we / in London / live 
  8. I / hungry / be 
  9. they / a hamster / have 
  10. he / to school / go 
 2. Write questions in simple past.
  1. Anna / the window / open 
  2. she / home / walk 
  3. you / in the garden / work 
  4. you / a song / sing 
  5. she / on a chair / sit 
  6. you / the castle / visit 
  7. Jenny / the door / lock 
  8. she / happy / be 
  9. Greg / the ball / kick 
  10. the car / at the corner / stop   
3. Put the verbs into the correct form (simple past).
  1. Last year I (spend) my holiday in Ireland.
  2. It (be) great.
  3. I (travel) around by car with two friends and we (visit) lots of interesting places.
  4. In the evenings we usually (go) to a pub.
  5. One night we even (learn)  some Irish dances.
  6. We (be) very lucky with the weather.
  7. It (not / rain) a lot.
  8. But we (see) some beautiful rainbows.
  9. Where (spend / you) your last holiday?
>> save your work in a Word document!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

17/09/2012 Vocabulary Unit 1 & 2

Activity: 3 exercises
Goal: new vocabulary - putting it into practice
Test: part of the grammar test in the 1st quarter


1. See if you know all these words. For the ones you don't know, find their translation.

to deal with
to key in data
to purchase
to supply
to fill in / fill out
Human Resources
to describe
to employ 
 to attend

to reveal
internship/work placement
to manage
chain store
to negotiate
bank clerk
to research
Market Researcher
to prevent
to deliver
to compare

2.  Make 10 sentences about jobs, companies and products, using as many as possible words from the list. 

Example: A supplier is responsible for delivering products to companies.

3.  Extra: put the words into the 4 categories below.

(dingen (the, a, an) )

(bijv. Naamwoorden)


Finished? You can do the following tasks...

Commerce 1, Unit 2 page 14&15
- It's my job: exercise 2 & 3
- Writing: exercise 1 & 2

Commerce 1, Unit 3 page 16
- Start up: Exercises 1, 2 & 3

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

10/09/2012 Homework week 3 (10-14 September)

Homework & Tasks for this week


This week there are 3 tasks to work on. See below.

1. Commerce 1 Unit 2
--> Language Spot p. 11 (complete the e-mail to James)
--> Reading p. 12 & 13 exercises 2, 3 & 4

2. Reading Assignment (21 September 2012 12:00H)
--> Read an article and fill out the reading format

3. Project
--> Project about brands on p.7 in Book
      (5 questions & asnwers, logo, sources and your name(s))

Assignment 1:                   in a notebook or on your laptop (Word)
Assignments 2 & 3:          shared @ Traject Planner with Didi Rikken

Good luck!

ps,Thursday I am at the communication museum in the Hague so no English classes then!

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

04/09/2012 Exercise Grammar Unit 1 & 2

A) Lees de volgende zinnen.

1. Jim kookt iedere woensdag.
2. Ik ben aan het lezen over marketing.
3. Tom & Thijs wonen in dezelfde stad.
4. Mijn baas houdt niet van vergaderingen.
5. We kunnen niet meedoen omdat we geen boek hebben.
6. Houdt Manouk van pizza?
7. We zijn niet aan het werken, het is zondag!
8. Zij draagt vaak hoge hakken.
9. Kun je dat morgen terugbrengen?
10. Het regent de hele dag.
11. We zijn aan het praten over het nieuwe project. 
12. Ga jij nu naar huis?
13. Wie gaat er mee naar de stad?
14. Britt is niet vaak ziek.
15. Ik ben aan het lunchen met mijn klasgenoten.

B) Noteer de nummers van de zinnen die feiten of gewoontes aangeven

C) Noteer de nummers van de zinnen die op dit moment gebeuren.

D) Vertaal de zinnen in correct Engels. Gebruik de Present Simple of Continuous.

E) Sla je werk op.


03/09/2012 Commerce Unit 2 - Notes

Present simple key words: 1 verb, fact or habit, shit rule

I walk to school every day(habit, every day)

Spain has a Mediterranean climate(fact, Spain = it so verb +s)

Tim plays football on Saturdays(habit, Saturdays, he = verb +s)

I am too late (fact)

I, you, we, they, your friends, my parents, etcetera = base form (like, do, work, talk, have)

He, she, it, the teacher, France, the iPad, my dog = base form +s (likes, does, works, talks, has)
Present continuous key words: am/are/is + verb, -ing , at the moment or limited duration

I am walking to school right now (at the moment)
Spain is having a financial crisis (not forever)
These two weeks are working on a project (limited duration)

I = am +verb-ing
You, we, they, my parents, the teachers, our friends = are + verb-ing

he, she, it, France, her dog, Julliette, my brother = is + verb-ing